Custom Retreats

Do your rising seniors need a one-day summer program to whip them back into academic shape for the Fall? Do your weary, beloved teachers and administrators need a weekend retreat to rejuvenate them after a grueling school year? 

Since 2021, Chesterton & Zoë have been adapting Sinclair House Seminars to serve the needs of classical Christian schools in the Virginia area, for students, faculty, and staff. Seminars can be anywhere from single afternoon sessions to immersive weeklong experiences, and anything from rigorous academic programs to contemplative, leisurely retreats.

If you are interesting in learning more about a custom retreat for your student, faculty, or staff, please contact Chesterton & Zoë at

Faculty & Staff Retreats

March 20, 2021 

Administrators from RCS and AFA

"The Pre-Socratics"

September 17, 2021 

Faculty at Redeemer Classical School (RCS)

"Plato and the Seven Liberal Arts"

July 20, 2022 

Faculty from St. Patrick Orthodox School (SPOS)

Professional Development

January 26-27, 2024 

Head of School Regional Retreat

"Archetypes from the Great Books"

Student Retreats

April 23-24, 2021 

Students from Ad Fontes Academy

Senior Retreat

July 6, 2022 

Students from Redeemer Classical School

Summer Retreat

August 9, 2022 

Students from Redeemer Classical School

"Hesiod: Father of Myth"

May 1-5, 2023

Students from Redeemer Classical School

"Josef Pieper's Leisure, the Basis of Culture and the Philosophical Act"

May 19-20, 2023

Students from St. Patrick Orthodox School

"Augustine's Confessions"

March 18-22, 2024

Students from Redeemer Classical School

"Josef Pieper's Leisure, the Basis of Culture and the Philosophical Act"

March 29-30, 2024

Students from St. Patrick Orthodox School

"St. John Chrysostom & St. Basil the Great on Wealth & Poverty"